Time Issues Alien Colony
Not rated

By SuperCharlie96
03/10/2010 - 15:17:05

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: 1, alien, colony, dr, issues, machine, time, tolupa


Doctor Tolupá just finished his biggest project ever! The Time Machine! This time you travels 600 years into the past.// I had to update the last version cause of my gramatic and some captains coulden´t get thrue a tunnel and a door also added some detail.



By MrDaJaM

don't worry xD

By MrDaJaM

could take a bit, until I publish it in english, but I will try

By MrDaJaM

oh, by the way, thank you for a little inspiration in your adventure; i am making an adventure with time machines, too

By MrDaJaM

good guess, where did you see it?

By L1G3R

looks cool. i just released another episode in my adventure series, "4-True Intentions of the Bolari". Tried to make it different and better than all the other junk out there, give it a try and let me know what you think.

By MrDaJaM

where do you come from?


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