
By techno605
03/09/2010 - 09:23:07

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 2.27 (Good)
Tags: techno605


I tried to be all artsy and stuff with the Spaceship editor, and i can now tell ya i don't like it at all:( Ya get less budget and the complexity meter fills up quicker:(


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By AngryMonkey250

A good way of putting much more stuff on is to do i sideways, and use 'A' to take off the pieces on the other side. It gives back a lot of room

By 2ronnie4u

Ya but still a billion times better what i can do

By 0922antonio

yeah, but you can't share them!

By splat200

with freedom

By splat200

u can also use ctrl shift c in the building editor 2

By splat200

wen building a space ship hold ctrl shift c and type in freedom, you don't worry about the complexity meter

By Mouthwash

nice... a rare spaceship from you. You should consider taking your artistic skills and building something functional around it.

By Combat-Fly

by the way what do you think of my star destroyer. v22 not 21 and yes, it is annoying how fast the complexity meter fills up on spaceships

By Combat-Fly

url didnt work. any other forums about the expansion pack?

By ubertroid101

thank u very much

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