ORI symbol
Not rated

By kernlsandrs
03/01/2010 - 00:56:41

Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: ori, ori symbol, origin, sg-1, stargate, stargate sg1, symbol


go to the editor and re-save this creation as your own, then tell your friends to re-save it as their own! help the ORI take over spore! add this creation to every sporecast! THE POWER OF THE ORI CANNOT BE DENIED!!!!!!

Hallowed are the Ori!!


By nachoproblem

Eh, the Ori are a buncha punks. "Bawwww, we Ascended, and we found out it's BORING, and everybody has to pay because we're butt-hurt!" LOL, just kidding, great creation.


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