Not rated

By kernlsandrs
03/01/2010 - 00:52:34

Type: Entertainment building
Rating: -1 (Not rated)


This is a challenge, not a contest, so there is no reward, but that shouldn't stop you from participating.
The challenge is as follows:
If you were to design one ship NOT seen any of the 3 shows, from any race that WAS in the any of the 3 shows, show us.


By WoityuizE

I'll see if I can figure a creation out:D

By WoityuizE

Why dont you use my stargate-.-';'D

By ProcyonGuardian

hrmm...well, i've sorta seen a bit of ori stuff, and hughe-man stuff, so i'll try this out if i get a chance...thank you so much for that awesome comment btw, that made my day. it isn't often i get a truly heartfelt comment like that, so thank you again:)


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