X5a Scout Walker
By Delta317
02/20/2010 - 21:04:40
Type: Colonial land vehicle
Rating: 6.25 (Good)
Tags: delta317, gaprop
A more traditional walker. Though bulky armour plating covers the head and legs of this mech very little of this extends as far as the rotation hub, which often makes an easy target for enemy missiles, assuming they are aimed from directly ahead or behind.
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By 99colin620
By Reyes1
awesome mech walker. terrific design
By UltimateZob
great legs.
By madnug
Awesome! :D R+++
By Himmelslaub
Excellent creation :)!R+
By inferno7
Wow this is just plain amazing, I love how you stacked al those shapes together to make this bulky mecha. r+