Sel Kephali
Not rated

By Frogger1093
02/18/2010 - 21:05:05

Type: Colonial creature
Rating: 0.1 (Not rated)
Tags: 1093, amphibian, ancient, ark, artificial, astroengineer, build, construct, forerunner, frog, frogger, frogger1093, frogs, halo, humanoid, old, planet, sel kephali


The Sel Kephali is the most ancient sentient race in the galaxy. They came from a now destroyed world that used to have an atmosphere of almost pure Xenon and Chlorine. Sel Kephali are believed to have come from amphibious ancestors. Having achieved space-status over 50,000 years ago into a then highly cosmopolitan galaxy, the Sel Kephali quickly established themselves as masters of astro-engineering. Astro-engineering continues to be the Sel Kephali?s forte, as they are well known to construct elaborate artificial worlds. They seem to prefer building planets tailored to their unique biology instead of terraforming existing worlds. For reasons completely unknown, nearly every empire present at the time declined and fell into ruin, except for the Sel Kephali. Millennia of isolation have made the Sel Kephali cold and calculating and apathetic towards outside occurrences. They are withdrawn from the modern galaxy, preferring to keep to themselves and only rarely interact with other empires.


DNA points
73 Bones2 Feet2 Hands
Diet: Herbivore
Health: +3
13 %
18.95 %
7 / 20
1 / 20
0 / 15
2 / 51 / 50 / 5
2 / 50 / 50 / 5
0 / 50 / 50 / 5
3 / 50 / 5

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By ClanJones


By 34TheCreator34

Very nice. Very good background story as well.

By Koopa Troopa

Awesome Setient! Buddied!

By Roborider

Awesome job on the outfitting. I really like the rings. The chest outfitting looks great as well. Sporecasted in "Superlative Space Sentiets".

By LichenDragon

Great alien, the outfitting is superb and the posture excellent.

By Wonny3SW

Cool,looks great !

By HanMel

great face!! great armor. love the details

By skippyy2

Amazing detail on the head good job!

By Fuzz95

Wonderful head and outfitting. i enjoyed reading the little story

By Mudokon117

Haha, I had a feeling you'd appriciate that one. :) And I can't believe how popular it was, for the first creation I made after an absence!

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