Baby Mir
Not rated

By MirakaDragonling
02/07/2010 - 22:25:49

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.1 (Not rated)


I am cuddly! Hug me!


By NewBeard

Happy Valentine's Day, February 14 is also the Chinese New Year.

By Starlessknight

Lol, I just noticed how SO cute this is!! ^ ^ *hugs you* CUTE WITTLE MIR!!! SOOO CUTE!!!! X3

By Starlessknight

Thanks for all those nice comments! :D BTW, I buddied you. :3 BTW, Sorry I couldn't respond eariler... my father took my laptop and I have to use his slow computer..

By NewBeard

Are you a doll? I only know that baby like being cuddled herself. :)

By apeman54

Well, i was creating the Hitchhiker's guide to galaxy.

By apeman54

* hugs *


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