Sad MirMir
Not rated

By MirakaDragonling
02/07/2010 - 21:44:02

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.1 (Not rated)
Tags: starless don't go


This is me being sad 'cuz my buddy's buddy, StarlessKnight, is thinking about leaving the Spore community - and my buddy is thinking about leaving with her, 'cuz he feels so bad that she feels ignored and such. Help me keep my buddies around! Pleeease??


By apeman54


By Starlessknight

Ooops LOL, I meant Thanks. XD

By Starlessknight

Tanks so much fer the concern though. l:3

By Starlessknight

Awwww, I won't leave!!! D:>

By apeman54

Ok, i won't go. for now....


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