CRS Longbow
Not rated


By Gory51
01/28/2010 - 13:43:30

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)
Tags: crs, experimental, fighter, ftl, gory51, jump drive, warp, wormhole, x


The Longbow a space bound fighter with new experimental propulsion system. The new FTL Contra Gamma Energy source creates a mini wormhole just around the fighter enabling it to jump across the galaxy instantly.


By troopleader22

All your CRS stuff is amazing dude I want it all :P
But where are they from? Are they remakes from a game or movie or did you make them all on your own?

By Richardson72

Thats cool!

By axell13

excellent R+

By TheShipBuilder

Ooh, beautiful ship. Love the use of the 'rockets' as wings.


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