UEM Scarab
Not rated

By Gory51
01/15/2010 - 22:32:01

Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 1.67 (Not rated)
Tags: gory51, uem, ulysian


Lightweight extreme rough terrain Dessert and Snow scout, the scarab has no weapons, but has it has an intimidating front end which makes enemy ground troops think twice before trying to engage. Oh, it tends to rip them or squash them anyway.


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By axell13

nice creation R+

By axell13

wow love the colors

By TaSuckle101

Nice creation! R+

By AngryZealot

His CRS creations that is.

By AngryZealot

Go check out codyr2391's page if you're interested. Just make a ship with the same general style as the ones he made and let him know you made it.

By AngryZealot

Hey Gory! You joining CRS too?

By Superbug716

Nice design, this looks great

By axell13

hi ! it's the first time i see your creations, they look very nice ;) R+

By DareWrek

I like this one!

By fredmra

great design. looks fearsome

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