AVATAR Direhorse V2
Not rated

By watchjust4fun
01/05/2010 - 08:03:49

Type: Creature
Rating: 0.07 (Not rated)
Tags: avatar, direhorse, watchjust4fun


After seeing the movie(Which was Awesome!) I decided to make a second version to make it more movie accurate.


DNA points
70 Bones6 Feet0 Hands
Diet: Herbivore
Health: +3
15 %
69.2 %
9 / 20
4 / 20
3 / 15
4 / 52 / 50 / 5
0 / 52 / 53 / 5
5 / 50 / 50 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

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By extender1

Avatar is my second fav movie, After the deathly hallows part 2

By Carnoroarus

one of the most epic dire horses EVER

By fantamann

looks just like the one in movie!!! 5/5

By MonkeyJack


By bmcardle88

you make the best AVATAR creatures in the world! i will buddy you

By sors57

make a navi from the movie by the way...............ITS AWESOME :D

By FRED1600

This looks just like the movie! Cool

By Ivonne

This is soooo Fantastic, really really good creation. Great work. :-)

By MyLittleSquirt

to explore pandora but i couldn't do it by myself so i'm going to inlist the help from some great avatar creators! and your on the list! along with a few others, but plz consider this offer and reply on one of my dinosauria missions! by the way, nice job

By MyLittleSquirt

to explore pandora but i couldn't do it by myself so i'm going to inlist the help from some great avatar creators! and your on the list! along with a few others, but plz consider this offer and reply on one of my dinosauria missions! by the way, nice job

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