Not rated

By Gory51
01/04/2010 - 12:26:16

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 1.81 (Not rated)
Tags: 15, bodies, body only, experiment, gory51, ship


Well its made only of bodies....ships bodies to be exact. No other parts used except 2 lights for engine effect


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By MachinaMortalis

This looks very nice, great part layering and texture use!

By mysticdragon159

Great design for a ship! I love the colors! R


Added to my 'Spore's Most Popular' SC!

By bmpalmann

Cool work i love the minimalist use of parts and the colours look awesome, i've done a few minimalist vehicles before only using one body part and one type of part from the detailing section and that turned out almost as well as this! ;D

By world_piece

Really cool use of body parts. Makes for a great shape.

By Dirtymeat

Now im picturing a ship made of meat.

By d-rob604

awesome job great part use

By Larvae801

Awesome design, sometimes less is more... R+

By shadowlessoul

I really like the design on this one! R+ :)

By Simago624

Awesome job! sick paint scheme. R+

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