Navi Male
Not rated

By 8-Bit
01/04/2010 - 02:46:05

Type: Tribal creature
Rating: 1.65 (Not rated)
Tags: alien, avatar, james cameron, movie, na'vi, navi, pandora, science fiction


The Na'vi are the protagonist race from the movie Avatar. They are much taller than humans, standing at approx. 10 feet (3 meters) high. They have blue skin, pointed ears, huge eyes, and tails. They have the ability to attune themselves with the flora and fauna of their planet through an intricate system of neural tendrils, yet they are also excellent hunters. **Finally got around to seeing this movie - it is a visual feast! Very creative, fully-realized planet. I highly recommend it, especially if you love to spore! One precaution - the movie is quite long, make sure you hit the restroom ahead of time ;)**


DNA points
75 Bones2 Feet3 Hands
Diet: Omnivore
Health: +3
5 %
47.79 %
12 / 20
3 / 20
4 / 15
2 / 52 / 50 / 5
4 / 50 / 50 / 5
4 / 51 / 54 / 5
2 / 50 / 5

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By 98B-Man

Great Na'vi. Looks just like the movie. - 98B-Man 8^D

By 98katie117

love the creature, great detail

By JellyCup

:O!!! You am exist moar! :3!!!

By Antarcticas

Beautiful done :)

By Sethan777

Excellent made ;) I still have to see the movie.

By Foxxy95

haven't seen the film yet, but this is VERY cool!!!

By Stuki

Awesome! New adventure Mystery of beaver hollow is out come play it

By JakeRulez14

Hey 8-Bit, I'm gonna see avatar today!

By dragon595

why dont you make an Ikran like jdstorm said?

By celloguy

wow, really well done. R+

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