gift for Penguinman100
Not rated

By ashkelon
12/23/2009 - 04:11:45

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 1.02 (Not rated)
Tags: ashkelon, penguinman100, sporumsecretsanta


One of my typically organic freighters. Blessed Yule, my Friend! This is supposed to be a ship that's seen some service, so things are a bit skewed, and don't always match up. But she'll do for some more hard running. Have fun!


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By RellikLaerec

Very nice craft! I like how flat it is! Nice a sleek. The color is great for this style. Reminds me of a Sting Ray!

By Sethan777

A wonderful, and well crafted gift you received here. R+++

By Puglin

Ooooooh. I reall ylike the arrangement of this-- the back fins are awesome XD. Hey, thanks for the comments, too!

By Digi-P

Nice gift.


Added to my 'Spore's Most Popular' SC!

By bmpalmann

Brilliant gift i love the use of parts and the colours look fantastic as welL!

By Didzo

Hehe...Cool gift! R+

By MitsuUniverse

Thanks for your comment, ashkelon. I must say that I'm flattered by the compliments.

Great job on this ship, btw. I'm sure they'll love it. ;) R+

By ashkelon

Yeppers! Many of my ships are like rays, skates or the egg cases of them. Ships are HARD for me!

By Mouthwash

inspired by a stingray, right?

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