Spliced Scene4
Not rated

By CloudKnight1
12/09/2009 - 22:38:02

Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: cloudknight1, comic book, comic strip, fc co., fujii, scene


Ouil's attempt to flee are stopped due to the acid spilt, it imobilized him and is burning him, the flying stranger getting closer.


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By pokemonpikachu1

your sooooo scary(smiling)

By superskittle

(quickly draws my sword out)

By pokemonpikachu1


By pokemonpikachu1

say what

By pokemonpikachu1

go skittle

By superskittle

(mage arrows pop out of no wher and they stab u everywher) (btw mage arrows are the most effective arrows especially demons. one mage arrow is 1 million times deadlier than a nuclear bomb)

By superskittle

(tosses u inside) heh.

By superskittle

its a seven foot tall replica.

By superskittle

me: how about the iron madden shaped like me with mage arrows inside? >:)

By pokemonpikachu1


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