Peace at last
Not rated

By smallos
12/05/2009 - 07:45:43
Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.12 (Not rated)
Tags: captain, life, locked, meteor, still
You are a creature that has evolved to travel between planets and you are heading into a planet now!
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By SenseiFish
Very deep message. Nicely done
By smallos
I won?t, also as strange as it may seem, I?m a bit of an optimist
By Starryeyes
i feel confident in stating that this is one of the best adventures i hav eplayed. ever. including my own. (not being braggy) i liked the end but if YOU get really sad, dont kill yourself.
By j-b-p
nice concept to start out with, but the end was very anticlimactic
By 98Vulcan
Facinating Story! A little depressing ,but it had real emotion to it! Although, the beam out and song at the end ruined the mood.
By Draker11
I LOVE THAT ENTRY! but the end is depressing o_O
By robmeex
Cool adventure, i played almost all of your adventures, keep up the good work
By SooperWalrus
Great. Now I'm all depressed. cool adventure, though.
By jschwegman
The entry, cocoon, and cocoon breaking effects are masterfully conceived!
By Kingcobrasaurus
Actually, I like the beaming up, because he goes to the afterlife.
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