My desired gift

By Salabasama
12/03/2009 - 09:31:45
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 3.21 (Good)
Tags: dog, gift, mcmysterygift, present, puppy, the contest
But I never got one. Sort of glad now, don't have to deal with it, and my limited time to see it.
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By darthkrate102
Thats kinda sad, I have 2, even though one of them poop in my house,they are the cutest things EVER!! I just love there noses. Although I've always wanted a camero. I never had one. Plus the ones today are waaaay awsomer than they used to be.
By bomberdog
It look's like my dog!
By PrinceShu
Believe me, I know. One time someone told me that a boss I had had too much hp. They hadn't noticedthe 2'000 attack grenades on the sides of the arena.
By Fuffydud
I think everyone wants a puppy at some point. My dog I had for 12 years was a Christmas present. :)
By SquidBob
lol good one. humor is much needed right now.
By SuperCharlie96
Ha ha very cool!
By Christian_CAO
Soooo.... You want a new car? But seriously, nice pup. They can be a hand full, but they are cute.
By BlueBlaze260
Nice present! Its shape looks just like a real puppy. R^
By Vultrio
Love the pup in the present. Lovely idea. I got one myself and but he is lazy. R+
By AshcroftAnomaly
Haha. I got three of them, myself. Giant ones, too. Except for my mom's, she's just a bish.
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