Grand Champion Trophy!!!
By Max Woolf
11/26/2009 - 04:48:01
Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 10 (Good)
Tags: max woolf, monsterswhere, novembermaskcontest, trophy
The Grand Champion of the November Mask Contest is TarsTarkas for Mask of Gogoogos, Mask of the Charlatan, and Woojoo Mask. This is the highest achievement in the November Mask Contest. Congratulations! Feel free to upload this trophy on your page - you deserve it!
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By Jaramat
By OverActor
Congratulations Tars! You deserve it! R+ to for an awesome trophy design!
By tuinahvuni
Woot Woot! Hands up in the air - everybody dance! Congrats Tars!
By astrohero1
WOW!!! This Trophy is amazingly beautiful. Wonderful design a color. The top part really looks awesome! R+++
By TarsTarkas
Thank you! It was a pleasure and an honor to compete in this contest!
By Reyes1
congrats no real suprise that he won though. Horray for TarTarkas