Advanced technique's
Not rated
By Fusion97
11/25/2009 - 22:19:48
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.94 (Not rated)
Need better stratigies? Do you know how to change the screen into a cosmic burst of microscopic orginism's? How about placing set's in space or how to place your set underwater? Come to reda tech industries for all your adventure experties.
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By looey-dooey
thanx alot you changed meh spore life!
By peter443
Thanks for your help Fusion.
By peter443
Do you know, do stylefilters count as a cheat? Since using them I can`t get any GA achievements. Is it because of the stylefilters? Please tell me if you know.
By dracoloch193
so is adventurelook the same as stylefilter? if not, how do i use the adventure look?
By quizzle26
helped me out
By sethman12
Great adventure, very helpful
By hourglass09
I just couldnt get the last effect, could u maybe send a comment to help me out?
By ironman2179
You can get asets under water another way and walk(well inda)on the things!First,put in gates laying down sideways,make them invisable(on water)then hold ctrl and pull down gates.Next,put stuff u want to b underwater then hold ctrl and pull them a little.
By shyguy
A5.6B. Do I actually get something?
By chuckzuma
the flora editor was sweet why did they get rid of it?
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