Spore Party!
Not rated


By Zinxio
11/21/2009 - 20:53:05

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 1.88 (Not rated)
Tags: this creation made originally by jiminy8325


I edited this creation to inform my subscribers that I am going to have a Spore Party at my buddy Dark Strike's House! Our friend(who's name will not yet be disclosed) are gonna stay up all night and make adventures until we pass out. Confirmed projects include: Spore Risk, Escape from Area 51, Holiday Wars, Welcome to Phlaxia I. We will also toss some ideas around about other adventures. So prepare for an explosion of Insomnia induced awesomeness.


By ninja1361

Ha ha! thank you for the comments,any support i get is much thanked! it was a good creatoin to use for informing ppl!


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