Winter Mask
Not rated


By tuinahvuni
11/15/2009 - 02:07:24

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.81 (Not rated)
Tags: curse, gaprop, mask, max woolf, novembermaskcontest, seasons, tuinahvuni, winter


The Curse of the Venetian Masks, a short story of love and curses. Part Four **** His mind betrayed him and he thought he saw her standing before him in her white gown. He remembered saying his vows that day, unswerving in his devotion, he swore he would never leave her...he would never disappear like her father had. But his fragile mind never counted on this. His young bride had ceased to exist and before him was the product of ?The Transformation?. She had searched for years trying to uncover the riddle of her father?s disappearance, and in the end she found the elixir. Once consumed it was only a matter of time. Then the letter arrived. Urging them to travel quickly to Venice, the young couple had set off with nothing but hope in their arsenal. She had little time before she became one of them. Alive but not alive, infused with ancient magic, able to control the tides and seasons of the earth, but never again able to feel the embrace of a loved one. She would become like her father, and would be lost to her family forever. Now as he gazed on the facade of what once was his wife, he let the despair overtake him. His screams slowly muted by his sobs. ?Please take me instead,? he begged. The golden visage began to swirl and change colors quickly, orange, blue, pink, green and he saw the seasons of the earth pass before him. It was magnificent, truly the most glorious sight he had ever beheld. But he could find no peace in the display. Until he saw her hand reaching for him. At first he thought it was a hallucination from his grief, but as he touched the warm alive fingers his heart leapt. Her voice and presence surrounded him, like a symphony of instruments speaking to him all at once. ?There is always hope, never give up, ? she breathed. Then she collapsed in his arms and the masks were gone. Her eyes slowly opened and she reached for his face, ?It was love that broke the curse, my father?s, my mother?s, mine and yours. Real love, the kind that means you are willing to die for another, is what released us.? She turned to see her Father and Mother walking hand and hand towards them, and she knew the curse would never touch them again.


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By blackgriffin63

A bit confusing, but very interesting and great moral :)

By Max Woolf

Congratulations, this entry won Prettiest Mask 4th Place in the November Mask Contest! You can find your trophy on my page.

By Serevanth

Great story in the description, the mask itself is beautiful as well R+

By Ezrie

Like your tag line.. I raked my today.. LoL.. :)

By Max Woolf

Got the description, thanks! :D

By dragonkohan

wow what a great collection of mask. love them all

By Ezrie

These masks are lovely.. Hope all is well.. Life is quieting down for a moment so I'm taking advantage and having some fun. :)

By AapBurger

Going to read the stories now. I wonder what you've written. ^^

By AapBurger

You're masks are so nice! Very cool idea to choose the seasons as a base for them. =)

By sonicluv

I apologize for not being around for the Halloween contest. I would have loved to enter, but sadly, I was sick at that time and hadn't been on spore in a while. Thanks for the invite. I think i got one from Orion09. All the same, please do not hesitate to

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