Not rated

By Salabasama
11/07/2009 - 23:19:39
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.71 (Not rated)
Tags: goofy shadows
I think I used to have 86 watchers, but now I have 85 again! Thanks, everybody! :D
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By Salabasama
11/07/2009 - 23:19:39
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.71 (Not rated)
Tags: goofy shadows
I think I used to have 86 watchers, but now I have 85 again! Thanks, everybody! :D
By KingHoopla13
Ha, thanks! :) But how did you know that? I don't remember seeing you on the forum. But wow, 85 subscribers! I only have 29. :D
By BionicBadBoi
You should have more, way more. One of my buddies just got 3000, and someone commented to that " :( Oh, I've only got 1600" I suppose forum activity is necessary to gain that many subs, if you really want them. :)
By church1
congrats, you're close to me,94 buddied. now u have 86 again!
By church1
@A^Quix: Phenotypical_1 is worrying their dad. he thinks that pheno spends too much time working on his spore stuff. XD
By darthkrate102
Its easy,go create a creature,when you get to paint go to paint like,and go find anything in the sporepedia,double click it,and TA DA!!!
By akostic
grats on the milestone!