Not rated

By flamestar
11/07/2009 - 20:07:01

Type: House building
Rating: 0.05 (Not rated)
Tags: blitzwing, decepticon, flamestar, hothead, icy blitzwing, megatron, random, starscream, stolenfromflamestar, transformers, transformers animated, transformers animated blitzwing, transformers blitzwing


Should I even say how long this took me? *cough, cough* 4 hours *cough*. I know I haven't created a perfect recreation of him (due to the complexity meter, I couldn't make the Decepticon logo. ARRGGGHHH!)... but I really tried my best to recreate Transformers Animated Blitzwing in Spore. Blitzwing is my favorite Transformer (tied with movie Bumblebee) and you can currently see his "icy" personality as my avatar. Oh, and I am a girl, by the way... just thought I'd make that clear before I start getting called "dude" again. lol. Please take the time to comment AND rate up on sporepedia.com if you like him! (If you see this anywhere else, it is stolen. Made by Flamestar)


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By rock401

type ctrl shift c and hold then type in freedom

By takto

great job on this amazing creation.

By SpyroMaster1

So, that's where you got the dragon idea! I can't make any kind of builing like that, lucky! :)

By grindstone

is he German?

By grindstone

ooohh! blitzWING! All this time I thought it was blitzTWIG. 'O'

By pokemonpikachu1


By tyoson11111

I'm starting a transformer thing and I have created a few transformers that you may like, also I am still stuck with an adventure, The Dojo, if its possible, could you give me somehelp. :/

By 1biggs1

Hey Flamestar how did you get the description so long? I have been looking for mods but to no avail.

By Aegonian


By Skyress08

i give ya a thumbs up...two! ^_^

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