Chimaera x-07
Not rated

By gastje
11/01/2009 - 13:44:52

Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 0.3 (Not rated)


Looks better in the editor.


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By benrichjamin

i tried to do something along the lines of this design 'bout two years ago. and it was a total failure in comparison to this. well done.

By RG4327


By Master Joblo


By randywess

Cool! How`d you create THAT!?

By supertart


By BrokenEye

love monowheels

By Frogger1093

really nice! the design is awesome! the only thing that bugs me is the wheel. there r ways to make it spin the right direction. but that aside, this is amazing

By bmpalmann

Looks better in creator?! It's brilliant in editor the use of asymetry is spectacualr and the use of parts is fantastic! The single wheel looks brilliant as welL! :D

By Sirenian

Badass... love the single wheel design, very original! xD

By akostic

very nice work! looks great

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