Goliath x-12
Not rated

By gastje
10/31/2009 - 13:33:02

Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 0.3 (Not rated)


By NimNims

Love it!

By B1ack_Blob

Awesome tank! I love the way you placed the treads, gives it a really unique look. Dig the cannon and paintjob too, great work! :D

By ProcyonGuardian

this is an insane tank :D

By Hatred89


By McFitzOReilly

Great vehicle!

By Kaidian

Great design. Cool texture choice for it too. R+

By kernlsandrs

very nice! is it an AA gun?

By UberScribe

nice artillery you got there, or is it AA? ah well wat evr it is good job r+ comment bak


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