Levithonian Judicator Fighter
Not rated

By Jake_a_j
10/15/2009 - 02:30:20

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)
Tags: fighter, jake_a_j, judicator, levithonian, space


The "Fighter" class ship for the "Levithonian Judiocator"(Made by Jake_a_j)


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By TaeKwonDoGoth

NICE DETAIL! I really love this creation, it's subtle, yet dynamic. R+'d and downloaded.

By jrtroopa64

I always like downward facing spaceships. Probably because it looks sleeker and faster. R+

By Nolat885

fantastic! Its very sleek and aerodynamic, I'm amazed your this good for someone with only 9 creations. How'd you do it?

By CrazyShyness

Nice work on this one. The parts blend in nicely and it looks very much like a fightercraft.

By Jake_a_j

And it's fine Tyrannadon

By Jake_a_j

Someone decided to steal this.. Lineage shows its made by me.. Didnt edit tags/des. Yet its on the MPN with a green face. Makes me really wanna sit down and make a decent creation so someone else can steal it and because they have more subs get higher revi

By Astuo

Great sleek design, great colors also. Very nice!

By Tyrannadon

AKK!!I accidentely clicked report, SORRY! Maxis, sorry! Jake, sorry! STUPID ME, GRAHHHH!!

By Tyrannadon

Now thats Awesome! Really like the colours and the nice, swift look of it. R+!

By Nightfisher

Very sleek looking!

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