Amok Time!
Not rated

By LordVarmint
10/09/2009 - 07:16:14

Type: Factory building
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)
Tags: amok, gaprop, lordvarmint, nimoy, shatner, trek, vulcan, weapon


A Lirpa is a Vulcan weapon consisting of a wooden staff a little over a meter in length, with a semicircular blade at one end and a metal bludgeon on the other. First seen in the episode "Amok Time" from the original Trek series.


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By jadow11

Oh well it still does not work this just drop it less often on mine it like 1 Out of 5 times

By LordVarmint

er... install the latest patch. Creatures seem to drop objects much less readily. I just made this for a laugh after enjoying the re-mastered series.

By jadow11

How do you fix it?

By L1G3R

Finally released the 3rd episode in my adventure series, "3-The Bolari and "IT"". I made it an unlocked captain too. Let me know what you think.

By L1G3R

Finally released the second episode in my adventure series(2-Shipwreck, Amnesia, and Fungus), sorry it took so long. The 3rd episode will have unlocked captain, stay tuned. Also updated episode 1.

By thewinneyfamily

i like it. it seems like a very good jabbing weapon not very much on the cutting side

By LordVarmint

@ jadow11: If you update to patch 5.1 you can fix that.

By jadow11

making weapons would be better if creatures didn't drop them when they attacked

By Vvolodymyr

Nice :D R+

By Jat371

Yes, there is! http://www.spore.com/sporepedia#qry=usr-Jat371|2267552952%3Assc-500439834163

Otherwise just check my sporecasts if the link doesn't work.

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