A day in the life on a seagull
Not rated

By smallos
10/08/2009 - 22:42:19
Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.1 (Not rated)
Tags: adventure, baby, babys, bird, earth, explore, fly, gull, nest, seagull
live the life of a seagull, explore, jump on vents to go flying, build a nest, raise young and much more.
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By Queen1999
coolist ever
By Danicoco3
Nice mission. Now, you said on your sporecast that you could put adventures into your sporecast, as per request. Would you please add one of mine? I don't care which!
By aukustin
By Sicma
iguanas are mean in this x.x
By smallos
OK I know iguamas cant arnt like that but this ia a small island and as observed by charles darwin on the voyage of the HMS beagle animals can vary greatly from island to island on this island iguanas will have EVOLVED to eat meat and spit so stop saying t
By 97sean123
its suck butt its a good adventure,its hard when everyone hunts and iguanas cant shoot >:D butt good
By Cynful
Kinda funny how there's killer iguanas when iguanas are vegetarians. Oh well, fun adventure. xD
By Littlebluejj
thats my real name john 1802!
By ogalyman
Its fun but its kinda hard cause ur fly sucks cause u have no jump so its more of a speed boost
By John1802
-_- why just play as a seagull? look how many points you can get for your captian! but its a good adventure
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