Reaver Ship
Not rated
By KriegMarine
10/04/2009 - 04:39:59
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)
Tags: boarder raider, chaos, death, emp, fear, firefly, kriegmarine, nomadic, reaver, serenity, ship, space, vessel
If boarded: commit suicide. If you fail to do so: you will be raped to death, skinned, and then worn as clothing, and if your VERY lucky, it will all happen in that exact order.
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By RobbiePhoebe
By alien2
I didnt know TRANS-Us still operated....
By alien2
Paxilon was released into the air of planet Miranda.99.9% of the population died.the other 0.1% became incredably agressive,becoming REAVERS.
By Tankhowland
i love that show
By AlmightyDratch
That's perfect! A real likeness to the show! Good choice of quote for the description, Zoe says it right?
By Unsectoid
p.s. If you do know the 11th genreal order then send me your reply to Unsectoid's Mailbox
By Unsectoid
KriegMarine? hmm...so marine what's your 11th general order?btw nice design, R+ ;)
By Blibbilglobble
More great work! Nice design and color/texture work. R+
By Gilophora
:D awesome! added to firefly scast!