Egyptian Pyramid
Not rated
By Andeavor
09/15/2009 - 16:19:04
Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)
Tags: ancient, entertainment, pyramid, set:egyptian, sporeuni.com
Remade for GA.
Contact us at
By Andeavor
09/15/2009 - 16:19:04
Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)
Tags: ancient, entertainment, pyramid, set:egyptian, sporeuni.com
Remade for GA.
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By Stunghud
I have up-rated (gave a thumbs-up to) your building a included it in my sporecast "Real Buildings a Statues". I hope you'll subscribe!
By Gascloog
these are SO AWESOME!!!!
By Ike-Iko
Way to ruin it Zypher. Still, R
By Zypher99
Nice try, but pyramids back then were covered in white limestone, and they didn't have a door. But amazing creation, none the less.
By PrinceShu
Could you please make a version of this with one of those Goa'uld ships landed on it? The kind Ra had in the original film, if possible?
By lahdeeda
the perymids were smooth first built
By DJD703
i like
By Mind-Tricks
I love all of your Egyptian creations! You should make an adventure with them, it would be awesome!
By Dominical
when i get GA i will use a bunch of your stuff in my adventures
By ErgoMantra
used some of your stuff in "diary of a mad man :)
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