No puntuado

Por Perfect_Circle
09/09/2009 - 13:09:53

Tipo: Edificio de ayuntamiento
Puntuación: 0.03 (No puntuado)
Tags: aod, caramel, creature, monster, religion, sea, squirrel, statue, whale, worship


(proof that I can't do statues, stupid auto-share)Aod is the whale-like god that the Caramel Squirrels worship. There are rock formations on their planet that look oddly like a diving whale. The CS believe that Aod divided the lands by diving into the ground. It is also said that the CS gained intelligence from Aod's singing.Personality wise, Aod is usually calm and gentle as the waves, but his wrath is deadly like a storm. The CS believe that statues of Aod will bring good luck, hence every city having them.When a citizen dies, their body is taken to the sea to be reuinited with Aod.


Por groxkiller76

mech parts

Por snikrept

One tip: if you hold ctrl as you drag pieces around you can move em in the Z axis without any support underneath. Shift does the same thing in the XY plane. So then you wont need the support poles !

Por snikrept

Oh that is cool, I like those fins!

Por d-rob604

o i see it no its cool seriously

Por wumpas

I cant do statues either but you did better than me!

Por Antarcticas

Great creature!!!


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