B-17C Flying Fortress
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By Sasha5163
09/01/2009 - 23:43:03
Type: Military air vehicle
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Tags: b-17, bomber, flying fortress, plane, us, usa, usaaf, world war 2, wwii
Rolled out in 1935, the B-17 represented something very new at a time when many aircraft were still biplanes. The B-17 was originally a coastal patrol plane, but it wasn't one for long as it became a crucial weapon. The B-17 can carry 10,500 lbs of bombs!
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By Sasha5163
(I couldn't fit this in) The B-17 can fly 2,400 miles and is armed with one .30 cal. MG in the nose, two .50 cal MGs in dorsal and ventral postions, and two .50 cal. MGs in the blisters in the tail