We Want You!
Not rated

By CellDaniel
08/29/2009 - 19:02:22

Type: Defend adventure
Rating: 0.15 (Not rated)
Tags: battle, beach, combat, fly, frog, fun, game, toad, war


Help the FLy Nation Defend The Beach from a Toad Empire, Amfibian Amphibious landing...
i recommend a YouTube search for "Hell March" as the sound Track ...
CaC Red Alert music (Hell March)



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By Bogikoma

Looks very good! I'l play it when i go online.

By CellDaniel

hehe no thumbs up is good but you can use it a few ways :P

By zippy45

I've always wanted to see australia... Is it true that thumbs up is rude there? Just curious...

By CellDaniel

australia yea :) .. and i live in the bush so kinda outback :P

By reedadams1

cool dude your from the out back (Spelling my worst class) Im from Houston Texas.

By CellDaniel

ima gona start work on a new adventer soon kinda like this one just gameplay ...have a look at my other stuff subscribe if you like :)

By CellDaniel

some times you gota fight or hide ..either way the war goes on, but some times one person can inspire the mass to greatness!

By blaster97337

i won this with a captian that didn't have any weapones...also there were a few acts were i had no idea what to do but some how passed, like act one..

By Woodle

Need to play this, it seems good. BTW, check out my new dual adventures. Drop pods fighting in space!

By CellDaniel

Gear...tho you can pass without killing, a Blaster of Lvl1 will Help. very slow captains might find it hard, jump is not required.

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