Very good!
By Dracundra
08/28/2009 - 16:00:49
Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 15 (Very good!)
Tags: athena313, contest, dracundra, sputster
Contest time. make an original creature no freedom cheat plz or exo skeleton parts. Myself, sputster and Athena313 are the juges i know them all very well. Plz send me a comment if u have a creature u want to put in. 3 entries max.You can use the adddna cheat and creapy and cute parts.Asym is fine. The tower of juges is a huge complex where mighty decisions are made.
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By sputster
I made the tropheys, just tell me who to put on them!
By OrangeKat
I'd like to enter "Malungra."
By Orion1989
3 entries;"Rausuch","Stegoceratops", a "Hammerhead shark"
By T-ron134
I would like to enter "Please Stop" and "Lobstique" :)
By raptorkiller2
if this is still open, i have an entry, my Taidge and Predarian, both page 1 of my creations :D
By Nivan
I want to join the contest, thanks for your invitation. My first entry is the Vilamander.
By groxreaper
my final entry is ponomi.i have one question though when does the contest end?
By groxreaper
my second entry is tx-13 assualt mech.
By groxreaper
my first entry is anions, being of darkness.i will be adding a long description to him online later.
By andreaseas
my one is done. its called "lightning sentinel":)
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