Clark and Stanley's Fruit Cannon
Not rated
By LazerIng64
08/28/2009 - 15:49:55
Type: Socialize adventure
Rating: 1.26 (Not rated)
Tags: build, c and s, cannon, clark, cs, death, die, explosion, far, fly, flying, fruit, funny, hilarious, kill, pumpkin, punken, stanley, vegetable
Clark and Stanley have gone Punken Chuckin'! Help them build the cannon so the fruit may fly!
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By SooperWalrus
I went in the cannon...
By LazerIng64
There is the granddaddy achievement or something that you get when 10 or more people edit one of your missions. Consider this the first step! I hope others edit what I made here in turn...
By Fuffydud
If it makes you feel better xijko, the quality of the mission is what makes it popular, not the creator. So you must have a good imagination to have come up with it!
By LazerIng64
The original mission was created by xijko, and my other half modified the mission.
By Lokaz
I loved this one! I liked it because it had more to it then just them dying. Great idea, too!
By xijko
MAN!!!! I made the original, and you go off and get a most popular creation for it? This is so not fair...
By xijko
Remember to give me credit ;D