Not rated

By skipperdoddle
08/25/2009 - 00:09:02

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)


ACK! *the number's so big, IT'S SQUISHING ME!* Thank you 2 all my subscribers! U guys really inspire me! And to be honest I never thought I'd ever have this many :D Thank you!


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By XLFries

*high five* That's awesome! Think about 150 subscriber's...that i'll squish you X_X

By lukepower

i have almost 100!

By dewdle99

CAn you join my new game!

By jetzei

You havent made anything in awhile, are you still online?

By Heartless1962

we miss you skipperdoddle... :(

By wiiformii

cool :) AND GRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By jetzei

you havent posted much in awhile, are you still online?

By Metroidfan66

Wow, you dont seeem to have been on in a while... not since September 4th. where have you been? Im still stuck SPOREless because the patch #5 did something that comletely messed up my SPORE. Now I've even tried un aand re-installing, and that didn't work D

By ThePrimordial1

I....HAVE..........13 l:'(

By cereh1

I made you a birthday present a few days ago...

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