SPORE Card Game Battle
Not rated

By Digi-P
08/17/2009 - 15:20:54
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.81 (Not rated)
Tags: card, digi-p, duel, mcscreenshotchallenge
This is the adaptation from a various card games with its own rules. Please don't skip reading what tutorial and Hamtamon said if you play it for first time. Win 2 out of 3 battles to win this adventure. ???/by: Digi-P. PS. You may try it several times since both deck will be shuffle at the beginning of duel. Yes, It will go random as well as your opponent card so each time you play may have a different result. Forum Tutorial: http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts/list/40017.page#1255732 Youtube Tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHm_PuhNDX0
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By Apollo9898
looks cool, but I'll have to play it in game to truly understand.
By UFO12355
Can you make an adventure where you fight against random enemys in a quest?
By braunie
Wow. The detail is incredible. After looking at some of the creations involved, the wall looks like it took 4 hours to make. Great job!
By BobTheDemolisher
lol @ gaminsammy
By gaminsammy
I can't stop playing this. it's beastly LOL
By DraMonster56
It often doesn't work right for me but very well made adventure!
By UFO12355
Never before have I seen scripting of this caliber! I have been wanting to create the ultimate RTS adventure, are you interested?
By sante1998
It`s awesome.
By Mizuhara
This was weird adventure.... I won, but i only got one trophy... WEIRD!
By Rabbidon
And I apologise for the misspelling of "worthy"
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