Shmo Police Station
Not rated
By Grimbot
08/09/2009 - 18:24:16
Type: City Hall building
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: beldar-ocho, bounty, cops, garage, grimbot, hunter, police, set: beldar-ocho, shmo
Don't break the law on Beldar-Ocho! Or else!
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By joelaliencreator
(gangsta tone) watchu gonna do about it huh?! B*aH come on watchu gonna do? look im jay walking, oh oh look im stealing a radio, oh look im taking a dump on yo mammas chest!, im peeing on the side walk, im drinking and (hic) driving! come on watchu gonna,
By joelaliencreator
(gangsta tone) watchu gonna do about it huh?! B*aH come on watchu gonna do? look im jay walking, oh oh look im stealing a radio, oh look im taking a dump on yo mammas chest!, im peeing on the side walk, im drinking and (hic) driving! come on watchu gonna,
By joelaliencreator
(gangsta tone) watchu gonna do about it huh?! B*aH come on watchu gonna do? look im jay walking, oh oh look im stealing a radio, oh look im taking a dump on yo mammas chest!, im peeing on the side walk, im drinking and (hic) driving! come on watchu gonna,
By bossk5
This is cool im using it in my rebel uprising adventure. :D senseless violence!
By Rogers-Green
or else what, you'll take me to... chuck.e.cheeses?
By crazyjustin409
looks like a police station and a prison combined in one police station
By MrCiaran
now someone tells me about the limb bit i broke my arm and they just sliced it off!? i was going to use it to steal some cookies!
By sErgEantaEgis
...You shouldn't break any of your limbs too,there aren't any good doctors on Beldar-Ocho...
By Woofy
You cant catch me in the ginger bread ma- what what the f*** you caught me!?
By loach
Im gona nuke this creation and use it in an apocalyptic adventure if you know what I mean.
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