Little Mission World
Not rated

By techno605
08/09/2009 - 12:36:36

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.3 (Not rated)
Tags: frogs, rainbows, sea, shells, techno605


My first Galactic Adventure (Sorry about re-uploading this adventure, but i've been having problems with Spore:(... The Captain is unlocked this time:)



By 98Alexander839


By techno605

united555: I've never had a problem with the bridge and you're the only person that has said anything about it."

By united555

I'm sorry, but the bridge is messed up in this adventure. I got stuck inside of it like 20 times and I had to replay it. Please, put a different bridge up.

By techno605

Bobman12: My spore stopped downloading stuff, so i had to delete pollination file, but i ended up with some double creations, so i deleted some and it stuffed up a couple adventures and creations, i can't use my captain anymore either:(

By Bobman12

oh! is it like the one i had? cause you just need to wait for the next patch andit will be fixed.

By blocknz01

hi tecno i ade the 4rth entery for your contestits got 2 difrent arts in it one on painting and a litle sculpure to the 4rth one if for th most coulour ful art

By lumpyice

Hey this adventure is really cool the graphics you used in this are awesome i really love the fencing you used and the bridge and rainbow were awesome great work sincerely lumpyice:):):)

By xrsword

omg you made it 5 min. ago! lol!


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