hydro85 is an Art Thief
Not rated

By Omen420
08/08/2009 - 20:27:43

Type: City Hall building
Rating: -0.37 (Not rated)
Tags: art, art theif, gallery, omen420, rogue, sculpture, thief


Here ye,Here ye, the player known as hydro85 is an art thief. He has stolen herren08's dark mist dragon creation. He has wiped out the original tags and description to write "Made by hydro85". After repeated requests to delete these works he will not, and continues to promote it as his own. We are asking all honest players to please join us in letting hydro85 that this sort of behavior not the right thing to do. Please ask him to stop stealing and promoting others work as his own.


By ryka5killer

tut tut...

By Blazeer

Why not get someone to report him?

By Galaxia76

It's too bad that some people steal other's works. Usually they do it by accident but it's sick when they refuse to delete it or give credit.

By Reyes1

ha, the sad thruth is you can't fight em all. I've found that over 30 people are stealing from me, and i'm sure there are more

By Reyes1

ooohhh how I hate thiefs, I'll say something to him

By CloudKnight1

down with theft, so said by the weird guy holding the sign

By Gabriel65



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