Leather Sofa
Not rated


By Bobeagle77
08/08/2009 - 02:05:35

Type: House building
Rating: 1.44 (Not rated)
Tags: bobeagle77, cool, gaprop, gaprops, sofa


Go ahead take a sit. A very comfortable sofa.


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By DriveInAlien

That feature was perfectly timed for the Spore song! I was working on that for 3 days. That was the Monster I said I had by the tail... hee hee!

By DriveInAlien

Ah, I need to rest on your comfy leather couch again, pretty exhausted, too much fun and excitement, lol! Thanks for being a great buddy with me on this fun journey!

By DriveInAlien

repeat: i have 496 by you here, i guess my computer just had to catch up on the downloading. Cool.

By DriveInAlien

Wait, now it says 496! Wonder what just happened, lol! Let me check...

By DriveInAlien

Hi there! It says you have 480, it'll be cool when you hit 500. Wow, that's a lot of work.

By Wonny3SW

Cool,I like it!

By I_Am_Oink

Fantastic sofa! I love the coloring and the armrests are a nice plus. R+

By DriveInAlien

What a day for both of us. I didn't even realize it was your feature until just awhile ago! Again, congrats! Just an incredible day...

By Ivonne

Nice work.

By DriveInAlien

Well, my real favorite is Pete Townshend... I love The Who... but the Rocky Pulse is just a favorite Spore guy...

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