Help Wanted-BubbleShield
Not rated

By Virobyte
07/19/2009 - 21:10:41

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.24 (Not rated)
Tags: 3, armor, equipment, gaprop, halo, powerup


I know this is a failure, but i tried. it's a prop for an upcoming adventure im working on. if you think you can do better go ahead, it would be a lot of help, id like to use it on my adventure.
use this as reference: http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/1/10484/474934-bubble_shield3_large.jpg


By Vicros

Are you kidding me? This is about as detailed as it gets! This is a really sweet prop, and the details are spot-on. A++!

By TheGhostOfOnyx

failure? calling this a failure would be like calling spore a failure. this thing is epic! very much like the one from halo3, i love it.

By Coneten

Good idea for a power up disguise!

By federaltag

Are you joking. I doubt any could do better


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