Dragon Lair

By Omen420
07/12/2009 - 17:33:01

Type: House building
Rating: 2.5 (Good)
Tags: building, dragon, home, house, lair, lava, omen420, set, theme


Part 7: The Myst dragons build their lairs in active lava fields to keep dragon hunters and bill collectors away. Many coax bats to live in their entrance for the same reasons. Myst dragons are the most unsocial of the dragon kind.


By tomjerry6000

T-this is wonderful! i could have never done this! your amazing!

By Lunamoth19

theres a great chance im gona be using this

By Omen420

I take it you liked the flame and smoke effects:)

By DriveInAlien

I said before and I'll say it again, This is just perfect. The details and everything are just right, it really sets a scene/mood.

By Vilageidiotx

Excellent detail! I like the lava, R+

By Reyes1

Fantastic detail. well done

By DriveInAlien

Neato scene! Really fun. Is this for GA?

By 708pony

Wow cool


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