Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Turtwig
Not rated

By gamerman77
07/09/2009 - 20:10:28
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: blue, dark, darkness, dungeon, explorers, guild, mystery, nintendo, of, pikachu, pokemon, red, rescue, sky, team, time, wigglytuff
In this Adventure based on the hit game from Nintendo. You have to join the Wigglytuff guild and take part in being a guild apprentice. I have fixed the glitches in all the games with a Johto starter and up.

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By gamerman77
I fixed my Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games their new names are POkemon MD [Starter] Fixed
By Fireboyv1
Nice mystery dungeon adventure can you check out my mystery dungeon adventure on my spore pleasw cast the spore cast is called "Grovyle and the time gears" I wauld realy like your rating/comments