Genesis-The Introduction
Not rated

By machine1000
07/09/2009 - 03:49:53
Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.55 (Not rated)
Tags: series, terraform
You have been called to work on the biggest terraforming project in history. A moon like planet being turned into a terra-3 is no small task, and could lead to trouble. Thanks for the feature, also part 2 and 3 are out.
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By teterax
Srry pressed enter. I had to deal with troxes in the creature stage. An epic problem. 0_0
By teterax
Woa! I played this then thought I would do the same to my planet's moon! Oh, and
By misterhaan
this adventure has been reviewed by HUAR: http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts/list/75/66702.page#3083260
By Shelby1118
By Shelby1118
Actually, this is almost exactly like my series......same buildings and almost the smae objectives!
By Shelby1118
This is sorta like my adventure series, "Doshadiir". It's about the largest terraforming project, and it goes all wrong!
By Katia95
By DrPhil25
I love how its sooooo smooth and theres NO way to get stuck in the buildings!!!! Great series.
By Orcyon
Great adventure.
By Ivonne
Can you also write in German?
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