Not rated


By Nadal6940
07/06/2009 - 18:00:42

Type: Economic land vehicle
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: big, nadal6940, valley, western


By lumpyice

This is really amazing it looks just like one of those 1800's stagecoaches great job on this sincerely lumpyice:):):)

By DriveInAlien

I also made a car with an engine UNDER the hood, a Poultry Truck full of chickens, and a Submarine fully decked out on the Inside!

By DriveInAlien

I made a Gypsy Wagon, but it has a magic trick to it: When you zoom right into it to see, all the details are INSIDE the wagon, lol! Maybe stop by to see if you're intrigued...

By DriveInAlien

I saw this right when I was looking for my wagon I just made too! This is really cool, you captured the Western feel well!


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