"Well, downraters should show their opinion some other way". Question: How? the only way to voice opinions is to rate things or comment. look im sorry if i was mean at first, i am truly sorry Bear90 is gone, but i just wanted everyone to get a fair trial.
Look who's talking? im like 15. oh and sorry about the dude, thing. but im just trying to say its not downraters fault they are just voicing their opinion. so please be nice and dont blame everyone for something they probably had nothing to do with.
By Zellex
Cool fortress! R+, and thanks for the comments! =D
By cookieprincess
the thing inside the gift is a SUPER OREO .
By cookieprincess
i finished the gift for u
By XiChan
Really? well i am glad for you. :)
By XiChan
"Well, downraters should show their opinion some other way". Question: How? the only way to voice opinions is to rate things or comment. look im sorry if i was mean at first, i am truly sorry Bear90 is gone, but i just wanted everyone to get a fair trial.
By cookieprincess
COOL! thanx 4 the comments! =) i think gir is cute too! i LOVE gir!
By XiChan
Look who's talking? im like 15. oh and sorry about the dude, thing. but im just trying to say its not downraters fault they are just voicing their opinion. so please be nice and dont blame everyone for something they probably had nothing to do with.
By Gordon0815