In the Dead of Night (revised)
Not rated

By kaizer001
07/04/2009 - 10:41:25
Type: Defend adventure
Rating: 0.16 (Not rated)
Tags: apocalypse, bone, dananddna, defend, distress, evacuate, glance, hydro_glyph, hypermental, iraultza87, jsctexas, manicmoose, mohawkjones, mralex92, mystery, ozoxchris, parasitez, poochletty, radiation, signal, swampworm, tuefelhundeniv, undead, zombie
~Investigate the distress signal~
Thanks to creators used making my first adventure:
dananddna, Glance, hydro_glyph, hypermental, Iraultza87, JSCTEXAS, manicmoose, MrAlex92, MohawkJones, ozoxchris, parasiteZ, Poochletty, SWAMPWORM, TuefelHundenIV
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By Pomidorek
By Ryuujin
This certainly doesn't deserve to be orange rated. The opening was snappy and the combat section well balanced and pacedand it had a consistent atmosphere and environment. Rated up ^^
By Immhotep
Damnit I'm overkilling!!! Muahahahaha!!! Nice map bro, R
By kaizer001
The beginning was supposed to be something about the scientist being part of the root to all the problems, but the message really was never conveyed clearly.
By Rythmear
Certainly not a mission for beginners - but WOW that was fun! :D Really excellent mood! (Though I dont know how the beginning related to Anything >.>)
By Rythmear
Hmm - downloading now. I'm guessing I'll need my best Captain for this one.
By kaizer001
It's beatable, just possibly not by you.