Have Turret, Will Travel
Not rated

By dananddna
07/02/2009 - 14:48:37
Type: Defend adventure
Rating: 1.01 (Not rated)
Tags: combat, dananddna, defense, griappin, turret
The Griappin colony is under attack by ravenous Paravesters. To hold the invasive species at bay, the Griappin have developed hover-turrets to defend their vital spice-pumps. Won't you give them a hand?
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By psherman
Fun, but since the second spice pump isn't on the allied team I keep blowing it up with my good attacking abilities. That makes it NOT fun and nearly impossible!:(
By Davidcreator
By PiersShads
i did it it is awsome, well desined!
By bohric
This one is pretty cose to impossible. I can't defend the second pump for more than twenty seconds.
By misterhaan
it was fun carrying around the turret tokens and getting to place them. it felt like my captain needed to fight the paravesters even though the dialog made it sound like i wouldn't need to. R+
By jandahar98
there's an old western called "have gun,will travel" dont laugh at me if you already know this
By Tounchy
There is a book called Have spacesuit will travel or somethink like that.
By Twitchiopolis
Brilliant! Better than Maxis made adventures!
By GruntusMaximus
Awesome title!
By gunsnroses8117
is the name a Megadeth reference?
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