Dinosaur Planet
Not rated
By Giganoto08
06/30/2009 - 05:42:36
Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.09 (Not rated)
Tags: dinosaur planet
You have crash-landed on a strange planet due to a spaceship malfunction, and you are now stranded on a strange planet in the Kinaronan star system. Now, you must fight to stay alive, or succumb to the treacherous creatures inhabiting this place.
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By drew421
check out my stallord if you want its the first time ive tried to make him and i think it turned out pretty good,id just like your opinion
By drew421
stallord does not have legs
By Orez12
Goodie, goodie! Really detailed and your Zelda references made me laugh. You just might want to make the carnivore dinosaurs all on one team because when I found Stallord, It was almost dead.